Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What three independently owned businesses would you miss if they suddenly weren't there? That's what the 3/50 Project wants us to consider. We've all heard about the bank bailouts and the help for the car companies. What about the little guy? The mission of the 3/50 Project is to get us to spend locally. Think about those local businesses you enjoy and stop in. Say hello and maybe find something you like. It's that simple! Your purchases are what keep those business alive. Try to visit 3 local businesses a month and spend $50 (total, not in each store). That's where the "3/50" comes from.
I think this is a fascinating concept! So this week when I go to get my husband a father's day gift I'm going to The Little Red Barn or Dixie Auto Parts and I'll take him out to eat at a local restaurant, maybe The Ark. Next week when I have to buy my friend a birthday present I'll go to Two Sister's Gallery or La Ti Da. Of course I still have to buy from big stores like Winn Dixie and K-Mart but every little bit that I spend locally helps! For every $100 spent in locally owned stores $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll, and other expenditures. If you spend that in a national chain, only $43 stays here.
Pick 3. Spend $50. Save your local economy!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Arrivals- Great Baby Gifts

It can be hard to figure out what to buy an expectant mom and her new baby. We have some really great new baby gift ideas. These gifts are unique and special and are sure to be genuinely appreciated by all new moms.

Check out more gift ideas on our website